Sunday, June 19, 2016

Fathers Day - Uncle Chris

Hello Uncle Chris!
As I'm sure you know today is a day for celebrating fathers around the world and although you are not my dad I still feel like you should get recognition because you are a man who helped raise a child...and that is the definition of a dad.
When I think back to where my crazy imagination began I more often than not think of memories with you. You would build monstrous forts with me that seemed invincible from any sort of invader. You would play hours and hours of hide and seek. You would draw with me. You would laugh at every joke I attempted to make. You would sit and watch my "shows" that I would put on for long periods of time even if it was a silent motion show of dance and laugh and laugh and tell me that I belong on Broadway! You shared books and stories of aliens and crazy creatures like dragons and ghosts with me! You inspired every ounce of imagination and creation that I had inside of me. You believed in all of my crazy ideas and told me that grades weren't important! So thank you for loving me by loving my mind and all of the depths that it would go to. 

I love you and Happy Fathers Day. 
- Mags 

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